Longtime NHL scout & executive, Chuck ‘Gringo’ Grillo, and Miracle On Ice coach, Herb Brooks, had the idea to start the camp back in 1976 with a simple purpose in mind: kids have to prepare themselves for the future. Now, over 45 years later, that philosophy is still very much alive even though some things about the camp have changed. MHC was sold in late 2020 to new owners Chris Stewart (former NHL player for the MN Wild), Craig Larson (longtime MHC coach) and Tony Maucieri (local business owner). The camp will make its new home at Breezy Point Hockey Center beginning summer of 2021. The new owners are passionate about continuing the legacy and delivering the powerful camp experience MHC is known for.
Minnesota Hockey Camps has a way of helping kids discover a new-found level of boldness and courage. There is an empowering culture here that can be felt as soon as you arrive. MN Hockey Camps has witnessed more than 500 players move on to the NHL and boasts one of the best professional conditioning programs in the nation.